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D-Day from the other side of the channel

Today is D-Day. On June 6th 1944, the Allied invasion began which would eventually lead to the end of World War II. Just so happens that my Dad landed on Normandy Beach that day in the 5th wave. Pop was lucky enough to have masonry skills so he didn’t become cannon fodder like those who landed early on. Unfortunately for him, he would see several firefights and assorted other atrocities of war. This is a photo of him and one of his buds that day before when they were getting on the boat to go over. He asked me when I was younger that no matter what happened in my life, to “please don’t ever join the military, once you sign that paper they own you”. I heeded his advice. War is a racket, one that my family already contributed to… War Is A Racket

Frank D-Day 1944